Strengthen your role in coaching and motivating your team with these 7 keys!

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With Mark Trinkle, CGO
Anthony Cole Training Group 

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Strong sales teams excel even when times get tough, through recessions and inflationary pricing, even when the competition comes from virtual giants. The Sales Leaders of these successful sales teams know what it takes to plan and prepare their salespeople for what is ahead of them and what to do about it - they have a system they follow to ensure the right sales behaviors continue and improve. Our Chief Growth Officer, Mark Trinkle, will share 7 key practices of high-performance sales teams, which provide a framework for consistency, inspection and most important, effective and timely coaching by sales leaders.

Is your sales team prepared for a turbulent 2023? You will leave this webinar with ways to strengthen your role in coaching and motivating your team to the next level, despite the hurdles. Sign up and receive free tools to implement these 7 keys with your team.

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