Getting "In" to More Prospects

Posted by Walt Gerano on Mon, Feb 13, 2012 @ 12:37 PM

Lot's of you have already embraced the opportunities to prospect and develop relationships using LinkedIn. How many of you have used it to establish credibility before you get introduced to someone new?  Often times even if you have great idea, product, or service, what will determine you ability to get a meeting is what others say about you.  Just like you, others look at sites like LinkedIn before they call or take a call from someone.

 The recommendation feature is a great way to improve the chance that when introduced, people will take your call.  It is also a great way to help others do the same.  Don't make or take this request lightly.  There are things you can and should do to get the most from this practice.  Here is a piece from my friend Keith Ferrazzi about How to Give and Get Great LinkedIn Recommendations.  Good luck!

Tags: Keith Ferrazzi