Tony Cole, Founder and CEO

Tony 2017 2-1

For nearly 25 years, Anthony Cole Training Group has been helping banks, insurance and financial services organizations grow sales revenue. Utilizing science-based, data-driven research and working hand-in-hand with clients, ACTG evaluates the organization, the market and current company strengths. Our dedicated financial focus, specifically developed programming and industry-experienced personnel have made Anthony Cole Training Group THE Financial Industry’s Source for Revenue Growth.

As a Sales Leader, you must drive sales growth. How do you get there?

Your company's SGO is directly tied to your sales management activities...


The 5 Steps to Reach Your Company's Sales Growth Opportunity

12 - 1 pm ET
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The role of Sales Manager is a challenging one. Most of the firms we work with don't have a systematic approach to coaching their team and fall short when we look at these types of sales management activities:

  • Do you have an ideal model to eliminate hiring mistakes?
  • Do you have a systematic coaching methodology? 
  • Does your sales culture foster motivation? 
  • When you have performance discussions, are they consistent, additive and based on understood and agreed upon metrics and standards of performance?

In this live broadcast, Tony will challenge and help you understand what your sales growth opportunity could be by sharing cases studies based on research and best practices. End goal - to guide you through the meaningful and executable strategies to close your sales growth opportunity gap.


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