Sales success starts with a resolution, but finishes with a revolution.
Some important Revolution dates for reference:
1516 - Protestant Reformation
1776 - Colonial Revolution
1789 - French Revolution
1861 - Civil War
1800 - Industrial Revolution
1971 - Technology Revolution
These revolutions came about because individuals had resolved to "change". The changes were not easily started, executed or finished. There were significant costs in terms of money, resources and lives lost. In the end, however, the end justified the means.
Here are the changes I would like to make in 2019:
If you are going to have a "different" year in 2019 than you had in 2018, then something must change. Aside from solely talking about change, you must have a concrete plan to actually change, along with a process to stick to that plan. It will not be easy, it will probably not be fun for a while, and you will have your doubts. But you must "burn the boats" if you are going to succeed.
Happy New Year and best of success for you!
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