It's Crucial for Sales Success

Posted by Walt Gerano on Thu, Apr 05, 2012 @ 07:16 AM

What is the most important “element” for having success in sales?  Believe it or not it isn’t an abundance of prospects.

There are actually four crucial elements that successful salespeople possess, desire, commitment, outlook and responsibility.  But the most important one is desire.

Desire will provide the incentive to make changes even when it's difficult or uncomfortable.  It will cause you to continue to raise the bar and set new standards for yourself.  Top performers have a burning desire to succeed.

Commitment – what is your compelling reason to do whatever it takes to succeed?  For most they find it in their personal goals.  If you seem to focus on behaviors that are enjoyable and comfortable, you might have an issue with commitment to success in sales.

Outlook – how is your outlook on life, what you are doing, who you are doing it with?  Selling can be tough enough without dragging a poor outlook around with you.  While from time to time everyone can get a little down about things, remember it’s the people that get up quickly and keep going who succeed.

 Responsibility – is just what it sounds like, take responsibility for your actions and results.  No Excuses!  People that make excuses won’t change until they take responsibility for their results.

Ask yourself how you are doing on these four crucial elements and since it’s the start of the baseball season for more success, touch em’ all.


Tags: commitment, sales accountability, desire for sales success, close more sales