Want to close more business? Maybe you need a little KISS.

Posted by Walt Gerano on Fri, Jun 15, 2012 @ 10:31 AM
Ever feel like your presentations are a bit too long and hard to follow?
Not closing as much business as you think you should?
Salespeople who are consistently successful at closing business follow a process.  Their secret, KISS, keep it simple stupid.
If you want to close more of your qualified opportunities, follow these simple steps.

Step 1. Before you begin your presentation ask “what’s changed since our last conversation?”  If the answer is nothing you are ready for step 2.

Step 2.  Review the decision making process.  Make sure everyone who has a say in this is in the room.

Step 3.  Deliver your presentation.  It should be between 2 and 4 pages.  Set aside your supporting documents until they are needed.

Step 4.  Present solutions for each problem then get “mini commitments” for each one before moving on to the next.

Step 5.  Once you have presented all of your solutions and gotten agreement that they solve the problem there is only one question left to ask.

“What would you like to do now?”

Follow these steps for presenting and you are on your way to closing more business, more often.


Tags: sell more business, closing sales, getting sales decisions, close more sales

Closing the Deal

Posted by Walt Gerano on Thu, May 24, 2012 @ 09:01 AM

If you were asked to describe your closing skills how would you respond? Good, excellent or extraordinary?

Here are the top 10 skills of extraordinary closers.  There are really only 9 but who ever has a top 9 list?  So I added one at the bottom, let’s see how many you can check off.

10.  They get prospects to agree to make a decision.  Yes and no are both decisions, think it over is not.

9.    They don’t make inappropriate quotes or presentations.  They only present when the buyer has agreed there is a problem they have to fix and will give them a Y/N answer after they see the solution.

8.    They get to decision makers.  Need I say more?

7.    They attempt to close.  I know it sounds crazy but have you ever hesitated to ask for the business?

6.    They have closing urgency.  They know allowing the process to drag on only invites competition and lowers the probability of making the sale.

5.    They won’t accept put offs.  Any questions?

4.    They have a personal buying cycle that supports a shorter, more efficient, selling cycle.

3.    They have no need for approval.  They will not allow being “liked” to get in the way of saying or doing the right thing for the prospect.

2.     They control their emotions and stay focused on the problem.

1.     They know when it’s over and time to move on.


So, how did you do?  If you got all ten, great!  If not think about which one would have the greatest impact on your success today and start there.

Tags: Selling, closing sales, Sales Process, decisions, close more sales