“The only difference between successful salespeople and the other 77% is that the successful salespeople actually do the very things they don’t like doing.”
This is a quote from Dave Kurlan’s blog post about Bill Walton and John Wooden (see Additional Resources below). Dave uses role-playing as an example. I see this all the time! Ask someone to role play in front of the group and they shut tight like a clam. How can you possibly get better at pressure situations if you don’t practice under pressure?
Bill has published and is now marketing his book, Back from the Dead. I read a couple of lines froman interview with GQ and immediately went to my Amazon add-in and downloaded the book with my 1-click.
Here was my amazing buying experience:
- I read an article that got my attention.
- I clicked on a button in my Firefox ribbon at the top of my page.
- I searched Amazon for “Bill Walton”.
- The book popped up.
- I clicked on the little thing on the right side of the page that said, “Buy Now using 1-click.”
- I wanted the Kindle version so I could read it on the plane without carrying a big book, so when Amazon asked me if I wanted it downloaded to my iPhone, I clicked “yes.”
- This all took less than a minute.
- And that, my friends, is today’s sales cycle.
In your sales world, it might not take as many steps or it might be more. In your sales cycle, it probably takes more than a minute… maybe 30 days, maybe 120, maybe a year.
Bottom line: There is something that stimulates the buyer. The buyer gets the information they want and then… when they want to buy… they want to make the process easy and they want options. If you are not doing those things (stimulating the buying response – providing information to make a buying decision – giving them options – making it easy), then you are going to lose the sale to those that do those things. Not only will you lose occasionally, but sooner or later, it will become a permanent condition.
Now, my favorite Bill Walton and John Wooden story.
Watch the video to get the whole story, but in short, the lesson for the Sales Leader is this:
- You’ve been hired to do a job – drive sales growth/win market share
- Part of that responsibility is to put the best team in the market.
- As the coach, you establish the culture for winning; you set the team rules.
- You can lead people but you cannot make them do something – players have free will.
- If someone violates the rules, something has to be done – bend the rules, keep the rules
- If a salesperson wants to exert their independence, let them. But let them do it somewhere else.
- They have to want to play for you and win more than compete against you and lose.
Additional Resources:
Dave Kurlan’s blog:
The Sales Success Secret Shared by Bill Walton and John Wooden
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