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Achieving Sales Team Excellence – No Micro Managing!

Posted by Tony Cole on Thu, Feb 15, 2024

Most organizations and sales managers think of accountability or performance management as “micro-managing.”  Jim Collins has been quoted as saying “There is no such thing as 'micro-managing.' There is either managing or not managing.” There is a lot that a manager must bring to the table to be effective at setting standards and gaining accountability with their team. And it is a difficult job to gain that fine balance of supporting and guiding your team without crossing over the line, providing your recommended solution. This ultimately does not allow your salespeople to navigate the sales situation and figure it out. Helping them self-discover is how salespeople become more skilled and effective sales leaders can achieve sales team excellence.

What are the competencies and behaviors of those leaders who seem so talented at helping others achieve their very best? We rely on the pioneer and #1 sales management evaluation by Objective Management Group to help understand exactly what it takes to create effective accountability with your sales team. The Accountability Competency measures if a manager holds their salespeople accountable to measurable, forward-looking metrics. By using forward-looking indicators rather than lagging indicators, especially with longer sales cycles, you can make adjustments and mid-course corrections.

Here are the Accountability Competencies below.

  • Manages Behavior
    You can improve your ability to hold your salespeople accountable by measuring their success based on KPI's related to daily behaviors, as opposed to lagging activities such as sales.
  • Doesn't Accept Mediocrity
    You are not willing to accept mediocrity, even if that means salespeople may be unhappy with you.
  • Takes Responsibility
    Your tendency to take responsibility when you don't achieve results helps you hold your salespeople accountable when they don't meet expectations.
  • No Need for Approval from Salespeople
    You are able to hold your salespeople accountable without worrying about how that might affect whether they like you.
  • Beliefs Support Accountability
    Your beliefs related to sales management tend to be strongly aligned with the role and importance of holding salespeople accountable.
  • Asks Enough Questions
    You have good listening skills, which encourages your salespeople to share their concerns, frustrations, expectations, problems, and feelings with you, and in turn helps you hold them more accountable.
  • Manages Pipeline
    Your strengths in the Pipeline Management Competency support your ability to hold your salespeople accountable

Performance management and accountability are all about setting higher standards for success, holding people accountable to the effort and execution to hitting those standards and changing the definition of ‘good’ in an organization. Take a few minutes to evaluate your effectiveness on these accountability competencies listed above.  The path to achieving sales team excellence includes your ability to become better at and ultimately master these skills.

Request Free  Sales Force Performance  Evaluation Samples


Topics: Sales Training, motivating sales people, achieving sales success, sales training tips, Fractional Sales Management, fractional sales manager


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    Anthony Cole Training Group has been working with financial firms for close to 30 years helping them become more effective in their markets and closing their sales opportunity gap.  ACTG has mastered the art of using science-based data and finely honed coaching strategies to help build effective sales teams.  Don’t miss our weekly sales management blog insights from our team of expert contributors.


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