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Sales Commandment #7: The Art & Science of Asking Questions

Posted by Mark Trinkle on Tue, Nov 22, 2022

Thou shalt always remember to ask questions and listen. This commandment is critical if you truly want to be a great salesperson. This video is a part of our new series with Mark Trinkle: The 10 Commandments of Sales Success. Watch Commandment #7 now! 


Watch all of the Commandments Here

Hello everyone. This is Mark Trinkle, Chief Growth Officer for Anthony Cole Training Group, and today we have worked our way to number seven in our 10 part series that we've called The 10 Commandments for Sales Success. Commandment number seven is Thou shalt always remember to ask questions and listen. In fact, I want you to get really good at asking questions and listening. And here's why. One of the key marks of difference between average salespeople and great salespeople is that great salespeople have figured this commandment out, and they understand that for them to be great, then they need to be great at asking questions and listening. Now, by listening, I mean listening with the intention to understand, as opposed to listening with the intent to interrupt the Art and Science of Asking Questions is critical. You might say, "Well, Mark, that's kind of obvious, isn't it?" 

Well, I don't know how obvious it is. Sometimes the concerning thing about obvious things is at the end of the day, they're not that obvious. But we do know that we ask questions to get information. We know that open-ended questions are the type of questions we want to ask, because those open-ended questions foster and promote dialogue. And while it's okay to open a conversation with easy questions, you make your money by asking the harder questions, the difficult questions, the questions that might be inconvenient, the questions that might be uncomfortable for you, and quite frankly, some questions that you maybe don't want to hear the answer to, but you absolutely need to hear the answer to those questions. Let me leave you with this. The light bulb really went off for me when I heard one of our clients say that great salespeople have this lasting impact or this lingering effect on their prospects.

What he meant by that was that they're so good in the meeting that the prospect can't stop thinking about that conversation, that discussion, even after that salesperson has left. How good are you at getting your prospects to the point where they can't stop thinking about the conversation they had with you? Here's what we know. People, prospects, they can ignore you. They might not reply to your voicemail. They might not respond to your email. They can ignore you, but they cannot ignore, they cannot escape their own thoughts. Do what you can to make sure that they keep thinking about that conversation even days after you've left them. Have a great day.


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Topics: sales skills, sales presentations, Sales Activities

Sales Commandment #6: Thou Shalt Always Tailor Your Message for Resonance

Posted by Mark Trinkle on Thu, Nov 17, 2022

Thou shout always tailor your message for resonance! Does your prospect have a problem that they have to fix? And are you speaking their love language? This video is a part of our new series with Mark Trinkle: The 10 Commandments of Sales Success. Watch Commandment #6 now! 


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Topics: sales skills, sales presentations, Sales Activities

Sales Commandment #5: Presenting to Get a Decision

Posted by Mark Trinkle on Fri, Nov 11, 2022

Thou shalt never present without making sure your prospect is committed to making a decision. Are you certain you're getting the decision-maker to a point of clarity? This video is a part of our new series with Mark Trinkle: The 10 Commandments of Sales Success. Watch Commandment #5 now! 



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Good day everyone. This is Mark Trinkle, Chief Growth Officer for Anthony Cole Training Group. Today it is my privilege to bring you our fifth commandment of a 10-part series that we are calling the 10 Commandments of Sales Success. The fifth commandment is: Thou shalt never present without making sure your prospect is committing to making a decision.

Now, there are a couple of different parts to this. I'm going to assume for today's commandment that you are in front of the decision maker. If you're not, then your sales results are gonna be wildly erratic. You're certainly gonna lose a fair amount of the time. So, again, I'm assuming... and it's dangerous to assume, but I'm assuming that you are in front of the actual decision maker and that you've checked off all the boxes, that you've met with everybody who has a say in making the decision for your presentation.

The second part of this is that you've got to be certain. You've got to be certain that you are getting them to the point of great clarity so that they will make a decision. So, the secret to getting decisions from decision makers is no doubt they have to be fully qualified for the compelling issues. At least compelling enough to them that they'll make a change. You've gotta know why they're gonna make a change. You've gotta know what the problems are. You've gotta know how the problems are impacting them. You need to dollarize or monetize that, and understand what those problems are costing. You've gotta be certain that the prospect has the capacity to invest the appropriate or required amount of time, money, and resources. I mean, you've gotta know that the problem hurts so much that they're willing to go through the process.

They need to understand your process. What are you going to require of them? There has to be complete clarity. I'm gonna call it "beautiful clarity" on the decision-making process. You know that they will make a decision. That's what you're actually closing your prospects on. Don't worry about them picking you, or favoring you, instead focus your time, efforts, and energy on making certain that they are clear, that you are expecting them to make a decision, and that they will commit to making a decision.

I'll end with this. You should close a hundred percent of your qualified business opportunities, but by that I mean sometimes you're gonna get a no. And that's okay. But you know what your greatest frustration should be? That you spent an appreciable amount of time, you went through your sales process, you got your team involved, and you delivered a proposal or a presentation, and they didn't answer with yes or no. They answered with that dreaded TIA. "I need to think it over."

You can do something about that as long as you're willing to plant your feet and walk your prospect through your expectation that they will make a decision, that yes is great, but, but no is OK. Get your prospect to commit to making a decision. Have a great day.


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Topics: sales skills, sales presentations, Sales Activities

Sales Commandment #4: Uncovering SMA

Posted by Mark Trinkle on Thu, Nov 03, 2022

SMA stands for Severe Mental Anguish. Is this something that your salespeople are uncovering in their prospects? This video is a part of our new series with Mark Trinkle: The 10 Commandments of Sales Success. Watch Commandment #4 now! 


Watch all of the Commandments Here

Today we will discuss the fourth commandment of the 10 Commandments for Sales Success. Today's commandment is, thou shalt always remember that a prospect without severe mental anguish is actually not a prospect at all. Now, we use the acronym SMA for Severe Mental Anguish. If you don't have pain, then you don't have a prospect. I'm not saying you don't have somebody that might not eventually be a prospect, but you don't have a prospect today. Maybe you've got someone that you should build a relationship with. You should continue to drip on and nurture that relationship. But let me tell you for the last time what you don't have. You don't have somebody that you ought to be presenting to without a doubt. 

Listen, at some point in your conversations with your prospect (and while we are huge fans of you asking open-ended questions, because those facilitate conversation) there is one close-ended question that you should feel comfortable asking, and that is simply, "Hey, Mr./Mrs. Prospect, do you have to solve this problem? Is your problem just a problem? Or is it a priority that you have to fix? Not one you'd kind of like to fix. Do you have to fix that problem? Is it a top-of-the-pile kind of problem? Is it something maybe you can just wait on while you deal with other priorities?" You need to know that. And of course, it's not that easy. In our track record as a company of over 30 years of working with salespeople and sales organizations, we know that there's always something that gets in the way of salespeople asking that question.

And the answer is, typically, they're either afraid, or they have a really low pipeline, and they're just thankful that they've even got the chance to deliver a presentation. Now, I'm going to guess that in your organization, you don't make much money, if any, delivering presentations to prospects who aren't qualified or even deemed worthy of receiving them. Remember, at the end of the sales process, just like at the end of this road in the beautiful countryside here, your prospect has a decision to make. They can either make a change and deal with the problem, or they can decide, you know what? I'm gonna turn my car to the right. No change from me. We're gonna continue to deal with the status quo.

Here's my last question as I close, when do you want to know their answer to that question? Have a great day, everybody. Take good care.

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Topics: Prospecting, sales skills, Sales Activities

Sales Commandment #3: Getting Introductions

Posted by Mark Trinkle on Thu, Nov 03, 2022

Get out of the cold-calling business! Share this video with your people who might struggle with getting introductions. This video is a part of our new series with Mark Trinkle: The 10 Commandments of Sales Success. Today we dive into Commandment #3! 

Watch all of the Commandments Here

Hello, this is Mark Trinkle, Chief Growth Officer with Anthony Cole Training Group, and today I am bringing you commandment #3 in our 10 part series that we are calling the 10 Commandments of Sales Success. Now, if you've been following along, you might remember that commandment number one was thou shout always do a pre-call plan, and commandment number two is thou shout always be prospecting.  Commandment number three for today is thou shout always remember to ask for introductions.

I'm sure the most hated part of selling universally is having to make cold calls. And ideally, you'd like to get to the point in your career where you have been able to get out of the cold calling business. Listen, we know cold calls don't work. Here are a couple stats for you. One statistic is the average success rate of a cold call landing you a new piece of business. It has been estimated to be 0.03%, not 3%, not 0.3%, but 0.03%. And several graduate business schools have conducted studies where they've surveyed the C-suite, and the most striking number to me is the number 80%. About 80% of C-suite executives when surveyed said, if they don't know you, if they weren't expecting your call, if no one has referred or introduced you to them, 80% said they're not coming to the phone. They're not calling you back, and they're not replying to your email.

So we use the term introduction instead of referral. And, it's more than just a subtlety. A referral is, "Hey Bob, why don't you call Mary? She runs a business on the other side of town that I think would be a good fit for you. " And introduction, by contrast, is where you have asked someone (a center of influence, a business associate,  or a client) to actually introduce you so that when you call your prospect, they're going to know exactly who you are.

And it's really pretty simple. It's very straightforward. You want the person introducing you to tell the target, your prospect, four things.

1. "I would like to introduce you to Mark from X, Y, Z company, and you should take his call."

2. "Mark is a good person."

3. "He's done great work for me, and his firm is very reputable."

4. "After you've spoken with Dan, if it does not make sense to continue the conversation, it's okay to say no. If now is not the right time for you and your company to move forward, I know he would understand and appreciate that a lot."

Now, number four is important, okay? That is a pressure relief valve. It helps the person that you're calling to understand if they're not interested, if your message doesn't resonate, they can simply get off the phone and tell you they're not interested. And it should also be a pressure relief valve for you, and a reminder that you are not there to sell anything and that you can be a good listener. And if your message doesn't resonate, you'll happily move on down the road. That's it for commandment number three. Have a great day selling.


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Topics: sales skills, Sales Activities, getting introductions


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