ACTG Sales Management Blog

Sales & Sales Management Expertise Blog  

How Good is Your Team at Prospecting for New Leads?

Help Your Team with Cross-Selling & Up-Selling Strategies

Effective Sales Meeting Strategies

Don’t Leave Home Without It: Pre-Call Planning

Why Your Salespeople are Not Selling as Expected

Sales Data Insights: Understanding Pull-Through Rate

How to Motivate Your Sales Team

3 Keys to Increase Customer Acquisition & Deposit Growth

Raising the Bar - The Leader’s Responsibility

Cultivating Business Acumen as a Sales Superpower

Relationship Selling Begins with Asking the Right Questions

3 Barriers to Connecting with Prospects

Sales Coaching DNA: A Critical Component to Achieving Sales Team Excellence

Required for Sales Success Today – A Strong Sales Technology Competency

The Death of Decision Making

5 Tips for Asking Your Prospect Better Questions

Why Companies Struggle with Hiring Salespeople Who Will Sell

Achieving Sales Team Excellence – The Will to Manage

How to Respond to Common Sales Objections

Achieving Sales Team Excellence with a Coaching Culture

Why Hiring a Fractional Sales Manager Can Drive Sales Results

Do Your Salespeople Have the Ability to Push Back?

Achieving Sales Team Excellence – No Micro Managing!

Should Your Company Hire a Fractional Sales Manager?

4 Rules to Help Your Salespeople Have Better Initial Calls

Achieving Sales Team Excellence – the Motivation Competency

A Non-Disruptive Transformation for Community Banks

Strong Sales Performance Management Begins with Setting Standards

Are Your Salespeople ATMs?

What to Keep Doing, Start Doing, and Stop Doing in 2024

Sales Success in the C-Suite

Are Your Salespeople Committed to Sales Success?

Achieving Sales Team Excellence: The Impact of Supportive Beliefs

Motivating Your Sales Team: A Guide for Sales Leaders

Best Practices for Lead Relationship Management

How Effective Will You Be As a Banker of the Future?

How Coaching Drives Sales Growth

7 Sales Coaching Best Practices

5 Keys to Fixing Prospect Indifference

Coaching and the Importance of Constructive Sales Feedback

Effective Coaching with Sales Performance Metrics

Effective Sales Coaching: The Game of Selling

The Importance of Understanding Your Customer’s Decision-Making Process

The Importance of Feedback in Sales

Building an Effective Sales Coaching Program in a High-Tech World

Deepening Relationships with Transformative Branch Conversations

Data and Analytics for Sales

Elevate Your Bank's Performance with One-on-One Sales Coaching

7 Activities for Your Sales Team Success

Which Manager Qualities Matter Most for Building Elite Sales Teams

What is the Impact of Frequent Coaching?

The Data Behind Sales Managers of Elite Teams

Manage Your Selling Priorities: Ready for Takeoff

Three Immutable Truths About How Your Salespeople Should Respond to Rate Reduction Requests

8 Training Tips for Effective Banking Sales Training

Identifying Sales Coaching Needs: An Analysis EVERY Company Should Execute

Just Keep Running: What Bankers Can Learn from the Navy Seals

Four Activities of Top-Performing Banks

How Your Sales Coaching and Method Have a Direct Impact on Your Results

I Would Sell More and Increase Sales If Only I Would....

The Best Advice Sales Managers Can Give to Help Increase Sales

Starting TODAY, Control Your Professional Sales Life to be Happier and More Successful

Why Data Matters When Recruiting People that Will Sell

Accountability – The 14-Letter Dirty Word for Many Sales Organizations

5 Behaviors Great Sales Managers Exhibit to Drive Consistent Sales Results

Coaching Championship Sales Teams: Pat Summitt Says it All!

March Madness and the Search for Pipeline Predictability

Selling Value Without Selling, Part 3: THE SOLUTION!

Selling Value Without Selling: Part 2

Selling Value Without Selling: Part 1

#1: Faith | Tony's 5 Key Takeaways from 30 Years in Business

#2: Plan | Tony's 5 Key Takeaways from 30 Years in Business

#3: Curveballs | Tony's 5 Key Takeaways from 30 Years in Business

#4: Relationships | Tony's 5 Key Takeaways from 30 Years in Business

#5: Focus on the Best Version of Yourself | Tony's 5 Key Takeaways from 30 Years in Business

5 Key Takeaways from Celebrating 30 Years in Business

5 Behaviors of Effective Banking Sales Leaders

5 Keys and 3 Suggestions for Your Company's Unique Sales Approach

The 9 Do’s of Better Hiring: An Alternate Perspective to LinkedIn’s Talent Solutions 9 Mistakes

Coaching for Success – Great Sales Growth Results Require Great Coaching

The Sales Game: 10 Lessons for Winning & Losing

Sales Commandment #10: Thou Shalt Never Answer the Un-Asked Question

Sales Commandment #9: Thou Shalt Always Remember to Follow the Rules of Engagement

Sales Commandment #8: Thou Shalt Always Remember to Add Value

Sales Commandment #7: The Art & Science of Asking Questions

Sales Commandment #6: Thou Shalt Always Tailor Your Message for Resonance

Sales Commandment #5: Presenting to Get a Decision

Sales Commandment #4: Uncovering SMA

Sales Commandment #3: Getting Introductions

Thou Shalt Always Be Prospecting: The 10 Commandments of Sales Success

Pre-Call Preparation: The 10 Commandments of Sales Success

Why Sales Coaching Matters

6 Steps to Start the Sale

Sales Goal Setting

The Power of Open-Ended Questions in Sales & Sales Management

How to Prospect in Sales – It’s an A Priority

How Strong are Your People at Sales Negotiation?

It’s Not Time Management, It’s Self-Management

Successful Salespeople Understand that the Small Stuff Does Matter

What Great Salespeople Do Not Do

Is it Selling or Giving?

What are Soft Skills in Sales?

Will the C-Suite See You?

10 Tips to Building Confidence in Sales

How to Deal with Rejection in Sales

Building Rapport in Sales

Understanding the Customer Buying Motives

5 Proven Tips That Can Increase Virtual Sales

What Making Assumptions in Sales Does to Your Success

Terminating “Think it Over”

Relationship Selling is the Key to Your Sales Challenges

Data Driven Sales: Proven Concepts, Proven Results (Full Article)

Leading a Sales Team: 10 Keys to Success (Part 2)

Leading a Sales Team: 10 Keys to Success (Part 1)

Effective Joint Sales Calls for Greater Sales Success

3 Musts for Successful Sales Training Workshops

3 Keys to Motivation and Continued Sales Success

Houston, We Have a Problem (How to Avoid Selling on Price)

8 Steps for Your Effective Sales Action Plan

Get Your Sales Action Plan in Action!

Value-Based Selling in Challenging Markets

3 Big Sales Challenges

5 Critical Sales Competencies: The Will to Sell Factors

The Four Cs of Great Salespeople: Part 4

The Four C’s of Great Salespeople: Part 3

Virtual Selling: What Can Go Wrong?

The Four C’s of Great Salespeople: Part 2

The Four Cs of Great Salespeople: Part 1

Mastering Advanced Sales Techniques: A Tribute to Meat Loaf

Three Keys to Banking Sales Training

Stop Whining and Start Winning Deals in Regulation

7 Steps to Improve Your Outbound Sales

The Pull of Resistive Inertia: One of the Biggest Sales Challenges

Selling Value vs Price

Why Selling is Part of a Great Client Experience

Showing Gratitude and Relationship Selling

Who Stole Your Prospect?: Holiday Edition

5 Reasons to Run a Sales Blitz for Sales Prospecting

Increase Sales by Earning First Call Status

How to be Successful in Sales

Sales Management Training: Are You A Truly Committed Leader?

The Importance of Goal Setting & Motivation in Sales

3 Keys to Professional Sales Training

Sales Management Training: Coach Your People, They Want It!

Don't Dream It's Over: 1 of the Biggest Sales Challenges

Why Companies Struggle with Hiring Quality Salespeople

How to Get Your Sales Leadership Questions Answered

Do You Have a Sales Action Plan?

The Sales Coaching Conundrum

5 Important Sales Concepts - Be Unique

5 Keys to a Better Banking Sales Training Approach

How to Prospect for Sales

Coaching Sales Behaviors

How to be Successful in Sales in 2021

Cold Calling Strategies with a Warm Approach

The Data Driven Sales Executive

What We Know: A Consultative Sales Process

Sales Success: Declaring Independence from Your Personal Obstacles

4 Questions to Ask Your Prospects and Gain Clarity

Finding and Cultivating the Right Prospects for Your Business

Creating a Habit for Sales Success: Time Blocking

5 Habits for Greater Sales Success

8 Steps to Effectively Close More Business

Create More Sales Opportunities with These 5 Activities

4 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself When Building a Success Formula

How Telling Stories will Help Increase Sales

Increase Sales by Eliminating Misunderstandings and Closing Delays

3 Critical Factors to Include in Your New Hire Onboarding Program

Managing 80/20 Prospecting Time to Increase Sales

The Art of Silence in Sales

Confirming the Role and Expectations When Hiring Sales Talent

How to Make a Job Offer the Candidate Can't Refuse

11 Common Mistakes When Interviewing Sales Talent

Recruiting and Hiring Salespeople: The 5 Minute Interview

3 Rules to Improved Candidate Selection

The Importance of Profile Fit in No Assembly Required Hiring

Solution vs Budget: The Great Dilemma

Some Assembly Required Hiring

The Terrible Twos: Getting Your Prospect's Attention

The 3 Things Keeping You From Connecting With Your Prospects

Uncover Sales DNA Upfront and Generate Greater Success When Hiring

Recruiting, Hiring and Onboarding Salespeople: It's in the Details

4 steps to Hiring "No Assembly Required" Salesperson

Increasing Sales: The G2 Formula

The Secret to Improving Sales Success

Identifying and Hiring Top Sales Talent

Success in Selling: The 5 Myths

How to Handle Difficult Prospects: Why Prospects Are Like Produce

It's Goal Setting Time: How to Turn Your Personal Goals into a Business Workplan

It's Goal Setting Time, Start Here

4 Rules to Help Salespeople Maximize Initial Prospect Meetings

29 Consultative Questions to Help Increase Your Sales

How to Capture the Attention of Your Market

5 Minute Interview – Hire Salespeople Who Will Sell

Do You Have a Coaching Bias?

Lessons from a Few Great Leaders

How to Create & Build Relationships Virtually

6 Lessons for Sales Organizations I Learned on My Summer Vacation: Part 2

Catching a Wave with Hispanic Consumers

6 Lessons for Sales Organizations I Learned on Summer Vacation: Part 1


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    About our Blog

    Anthony Cole Training Group has been working with financial firms for close to 30 years helping them become more effective in their markets and closing their sales opportunity gap.  ACTG has mastered the art of using science-based data and finely honed coaching strategies to help build effective sales teams.  Don’t miss our weekly sales management blog insights from our team of expert contributors.


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